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Wilton Tip Open Star No. 6600 (6B)


8 in stock

Gift Wrap Design

Standard ($4.00)

Fits large coupler.

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Star tips produce the most popular decorations—deeply grooved shells, stars, fleur-de-lis, rosettes and flowers. The most popular star tips used are numbered 13 through 22.

Use this 6B with pastry dough too. This tip requires a large coupler.

Metal tips can be used with decorating bags of any kind. All standard size decorating tips can be used with a Wilton standard coupler. A coupler is a two-piece device that fits onto your decorating bag and holds the decorating tip in place. It’s a great convenience when you want to change decorating tips without changing bags, such as when you are using different tips with the same colour icing. The coupler base goes inside the cut bag to hold the tip in place, while the coupler ring twists around the base on the outside of the bag to attach the tip. Just twist off the ring to change tips.

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