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Eco Ladelle Recycled Apron Natural


4 in stock

Gift Wrap Design

Standard ($4.00)

A truly simple yet modern design, this apron from Ladelle is made from 100% recycled fabric.

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Ladelle’s Eco Recycled range is created using fabric offcuts that would usually be disposed of and repurpose it into something new. The material is collected, sorted, and checked before being spun into yarn. Each piece is truly unique but that is part of the true beauty of a 100% recycled product. Help create a more sustainable future.

A truly simple yet modern design, this apron from Ladelle is made from 100% recycled fabric.


  • Extra-wide front pocket
  • Cross over straps reduces pressure on the neck
  • Extra-long straps tie at front or back
  • Eco friendly and sustainable
  • Size: 70x89cm
  • Material: Recycled Cotton / Polyester
  • Machine Washable


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