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Raspberry Jam

  • Main Ingredient: Raspberries
  • Serves: Approx 2 Jars
  • Recipe by: Bormioli Rocco


  • 1.5 kg of raspberries
  • 750 grams of sugar
  • 1 lemon


  • Main Ingredient: Raspberries
  • Serves: Approx 2 Jars
  • Recipe by: Bormioli Rocco
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Do you love raspberries and want to bring their unmistakable taste with you all year round? Here is the recipe of raspberries jam, excellent with cakes and biscuits, its sour taste is very well combined with delicate cheeses such as robiola or goat cheese.

You will need:
Bormioli Rocco Fido Jars and seals


  1. First of all wash carefully the raspberries and check that they are at the right level of ripeness: neither too sour nor too ripe and eventually discard the damaged ones.
  2. Put the fruits in a colander and rinse them gently under running water. Once you have drained them, transfer them to a large bowl.
  3. Add the sugar and the lemon juice and leave them to macerate in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap for one night (if you have little time, 3-4 hours are fine too).
  4. Then transfer everything in a pot and cook over a low heat for about an hour until the jam has reached the right consistency. The jam is ready if, by dropping a drop on a saucer and tilting it, it remains well set and does not drip. It may happen that you have to repeat the test several times.
  5. In the meantime, prepare everything you need for the next phase. Boil the jars before use to sanitize them from any bacteria. Place them in a thick-bottomed pot with the jar’s mouth pointing upwards. Put a cloth on the bottom of the pot and wrap each jar with other tea towels to prevent the jars from bumping and breaking during cooking. Cover completely with warm water and bring it to a boil. Boil the jars for at least 10 minutes. Then wash the seals by hand with hot water and without detergents.
  6. If you do not like raspberry seeds, you can filter the jam with a narrow mesh to eliminate them. When the jam has reached the right consistency, fill the Fido jars up to about 2cm from the edge. If you have to create air bubbles, let them out by gently pressing the preparation with a spoon. Clean the edges of the jars with a cloth and always check that the gasket is well inserted in the cap seat. Close with the appropriate metal closure.

Pasteurization to obtain the vacuum

Now you can proceed with the pasteurization by boiling, which will allow you to get the vacuum. Insert the jars in a thick-bottomed pot, with the lids facing up. To prevent the jars from bumping and breaking during cooking, place a dishcloth on the bottom of the pot and wrap each jar with other dishcloths. Cover completely with warm water and bring to a boil. Once you have reached the boil, close the pan with the lid and cook for about 30 minutes. During this phase, Fido jars must always remain covered with water. After 30 minutes, let the jars cool in the same boiling water. Once cooled, extract them by gripping them for the body of the vase. We suggest you to handle them with gloves to avoid burns! To make sure that the vacuum has formed, try to open the metal hook: if the lid remains “glued” to the jar, then the vacuum has been correctly optained. After the jar have cooled, place you raspberries jam in a cool, dry place protected from direct sunlight. Before enjoying your raspberry jam, wait at least 60 days to make sure that the content has been properly preserved. The wait will make it even better!

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