Confetti & sweets …. Fido jars are perfect to hold a sweet gift to give to friends and relatives during weddings, confirmations and communions! Creating wedding favours for ceremonies is very simple, discover it with us.
You need
- Coloured cards of the shape and colour you prefer
- A string or alternatively of coloured ribbon
- Creations in origami style paper
- Confetti
- Assorted candies
- Bormioli Rocco Fido Jars
How to make wedding favours for ceremonies
From the simplest to the most complex, make your wedding favours with a pinch of imagination to make your cadeau delicious and unique. We suggest a simple preparation that you can enrich with your creativity and your taste. Surely you have chosen a colour for your ceremony: pink, blue? Then that will also be the colour of your party favours.
Take a Fido Jar and fill it with candies or sugars alternating with candies or white mints to those of the chosen colour. Wrap the string around the jar and tie the coloured cardboard that you previously shaped (a geometric shape or a heart, a flower, a butterfly). On the card write a phrase that you remember the occasion or with a thin ball draw the initials of the party or the celebrated. If you are particularly good at making origami, you can glue your creation onto the jar cap, perhaps by making a small paper animal. So with a few elements and the use of fantasy Bomboniere for ceremonies are a breeze!