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How to Recalibrate your Digital Thermometer

How to Recalibrate your Digital Thermometer main image

  • Written by:
    Chef's Complements


Digital kitchen thermometers are essential tools for precise cooking, but they may require occasional recalibration after years of use or after a particularly hard jolt to ensure accurate readings. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare the Ice Slush: Begin by preparing an ice slush. Fill a 1 cup measuring container with a slurry of ice water using 3 parts crushed ice to 1 part water. Allow it to stand for 3-5 minutes. Ensure that the stem of your thermometer is immersed in the middle of the slush. Be careful not to let it touch the container’s bottom or sides.
  2. Calibration Process: Press and hold the calibration button for 2 seconds. During this time, the display will go blank for 2 seconds.
  3. Successful Calibration: Release the calibration (CAL) button, and you’ll notice the display reading 0°C. This indicates that your thermometer is now perfectly calibrated and ready for accurate measurements.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your kitchen thermometer provides precise readings, making your cooking experience even more enjoyable and successful.

Shop our range of thermometers here.