Unfortunately, our web and physical stores inventory are not synced, meaning we have to deal manually with our stock levels for tens of thousands of items on a day-to-day basis. Due to this, sometimes, if an item is showing in stock or out of stock, this may not always be up-to-the-minute accurate, but we do try our best! Additionally, stock can be inaccurate due to damages, missing or theft. Please double-check with us before ordering if you need an order immediately or after specific quantities.
For some items, when there are problems with availability, such as our supplier is out of stock or if an item is discontinued, we manage the inventory online so no more than what is available can sell. This is why some items have a quantity in stock displayed when you are browsing online. This is also manually updated. Every other item on our online store either shows as out of stock or it allows you to add it to your cart, meaning it is available to order.