The story of Zwilling began in 1731, when Johann Peter Henckels registered the now-famous “twin” symbol as his trademark with the Cutler’s Guild in Solingen, Germany. Since then, the company has gained an international reputation for producing knives, shears, scissors, cookware, kitchen gadgets and beauty products of exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Blending centuries-old traditions with the latest innovations, Zwilling’s range of products is standard equipment in professional and home kitchens around the world.
Ideal for blades which slowly lose their sharpness over time, the Zwilling Ceramic Sharpening Steel sharpens gently, to protect the knife’s edge. The ceramic structure offers a combination of grindstone and sharpening steel, ensuring it wears only a little material from the knife’s blade. Wide chrome-coloured bolster at the join with the blade serves as both finger protection while providing a perfect balance. The ergonomic, easy-hold plastic handle features a suspension eye, ideal for hanging storage. Soft and gentle sharpening is suitable for the most sensitive blades, ensuring your knives regain their sharpness and are fully operational again.
Hand wash only