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Wild Hibiscus Flowers 250g


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Standard ($4.00)

Approx. 11 in each jar.

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You will love the Wild Hibiscus Flowers with their vibrant crimson colour and delicious raspberry & rhubarb flavour, perfect for your next dinner party or special occasion (or just as an excuse to crack open the bubbly!)

Serve as a classic champagne cocktail, simply place a whole wild hibiscus flower in the bottom of a champagne flute, pour in a dash of the crimson syrup & top up with your favourite bubbly. All the bubbles stream off the flower and slowly open it up. At the end of the drink, you can eat the flower with its natural flavour being similar to raspberry & rhubarb, it is the perfect accompaniment to champagne and special occasions. 

Each jar contains approximately 11 whole premium flowers in sugar syrup in a beautifully presented jar with an 8-page cocktail guide on the lid. There are only 3 ingredients; Wild Hibiscus Flowers, cane sugar & water. Edible hibiscus – also commonly known as Rosella flowers – grows on the fringes of rainforest and tall forest and is often found behind sand dunes in the tropical north of Australia.

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