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Cape Herb & Spice Smokehouse Spice Tube Set of 8


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The set includes: Carolina Smokehouse, Smoked Chilli Flakes, Iberican Rub, Holey Smoke, Smoked Garlic, Applewood Smoked Salt, Smoked Black Peppercorns and Sweet & Smokey.

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A collection of original smokehouse spices. A Southern-inspired deliciously smoky selection of spice blends using their in-house smoking facility. This collection is perfectly suited to add depth of flavour to any dish across various cuisine styles. The set includes Carolina Smokehouse, Smoked Chilli Flakes, Iberican Rub, Holey Smoke, Smoked Garlic, Applewood Smoked Salt, Smoked Black Peppercorns and Sweet & Smokey.

Serving suggestion:

One for the meat lovers. Season a nicely oiled steak generously with this seasoning about 30 minutes before you plan to grill it. Keep the seasoning close, whilst grilling the steak as you will need to top-up the seasoning whilst it cooks. Poultry and seafood taste just as good when prepared this way.

Please note: weight is 227g


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