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Avanti Magnetic Narrow Bag Clips Set of 6 Multi-Coloured


Gift Wrap Design

Standard ($4.00)

These Multi-coloured Magnetic Bag Clips are perfect for keeping opened bags closed and airtight as well as hanging messages, bills, letters and more with the magnetic back.

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Keep your bags sealed for freshness with the Avanti Narrow Bag Clips

Ideal for sealing opened bags of snacks, frozen foods and more, the ribbed ends on the inside of the clips ensure a secure grip to keep bags tightly sealed. Versatile, they feature a magnetic back making them great for hanging recipes, bills, photos, shopping lists and messages on a refrigerator.


  • Metal spring action
  • Non-slip ribbed ends ensure a secure grip
  • Magnetic back for easy hanging
  • Sturdy light weight construction


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