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Taidea Rolling Stones 1000/3000/6000


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Diamond coarse and ceramic fine discs, versatility for sharpening knives of varying hardnesses. Perfect for all your kitchen sharpening needs.

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The Taidea Rolling Stones are a versatile sharpening solution designed to accommodate individual sharpening preferences.

The Horl-style system features interchangeable grinding discs and magnetic angle support, offering precision for blades with 15° and 20° angles, as well as solid blade edges. The sharpening system incorporates both diamond coarse and ceramic fine discs, allowing for effective sharpening across a wide range of hardness levels, including kitchen knives, hard or soft steel, stainless steel, rust-resistant steel, and outdoor knives. Diamond, known for its durability and effectiveness, is the primary abrasive used.

Discs: 1000, 3000, 6000.

With the ability to maintain consistent angles of 15°, 18°, 20°, or 22°, powerful magnets ensure knives are held securely in place, providing uniform sharpening across the entire blade, regardless of its size. The combination of diamond and ceramic abrasives guarantees a smooth, sharp edge every time.

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